About us

I have been living in North Wales for 33 years, and having been a keen cyclist for over 40 years, I can assure you, that without doubt, North Wales is the best kept secret in cycling! From flat coastal routes, to testing mountainous terrain – and an abundance of traffic free routes, combined with amazing views and historical monuments, I’m amazed there aren’t more sportives held within the area.

Having recently retired, I’ve been seeking projects to occupy myself, combining this with my passion for cycling. I’m a proactive member of the Black Cat Cycling Club, and with the help and support of the club members, we’ve decided to organise a challenging cycle ride, the entire proceeds of which, will be donated to local charities.

It’s not designed to be a race, just a great day out! It’s a long, challenging route, showcasing some of the best sections of tarmac in North Wales, so why not come along and judge for yourself?

This route is for experienced club riders, and by no means a novice ride. We strongly recommend you ride with a club for several months prior to signing up.

It’s 90 miles long, with 7,000 ft of ascent. However, there is an option to shorten this to 67 miles, with 5,000 ft of ascent, by cutting out the southern end, over the Cwm Penmachno climb.

This is our club’s first attempt at organising a ride of this nature, so please bear with us. We welcome constructive criticism/feedback, to enable us to improve rides that we may organise in the future.

There will be 2 feed stops en route, as well as another at the finish line. In order to keep the entry costs low, only basic provisions are available (banana’s, cake, biscuits and water refills). If you require more substantial food, there are a number of cafes/ shops along the way, particularly in Bethesda (roughly 35 miles into the ride), Betws-Y-Coed (49 miles) and Pentrefoelas (68 miles). There is also Llanrwst 56 miles into the ride, if you decide to take the shorter route.